


  I usually enjoy driving on weekends.

  I spent the weekend in Hakone for the first time in years.

   Are you off on Saturdays ?

  On Saturday nights I stay up until after two in the morning.

  surfing on the internet

  I enjoy surfing on the internet for hours.

   What do you usually do on Sundays ?

  I have to clean up my room.

  On Sundays, I take it easy all day long doing nothing at home.

 ・毎年、夏には 1週間の休暇をとります。
  I take a week off every summer.

  swimming in the sea

  I'm planning to go to Guam and swim in the sea this summer.

   What are you going to do this coming vacation ?


 実家で   : at my parents' home
 海辺で   : by the sea
 避暑地で  : at a summer resort
 海外で   : overseas / in foreign contries
 毎週水曜日 : every Wednesday
 午前2時過ぎ: after two in the morning
 1日中   : all day long


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